How to Control Servo Motor with Arduino and RFID Reader?

To control a servo motor with Arduino and an RFID reader, you can follow these steps:

  1. Components and Setup:
    • Arduino board (such as Arduino Uno)
    • Servo motor
    • RFID reader module
    • Jumper wires
    • Breadboard

Connect the servo motor to the Arduino. Usually, the servo's signal wire is connected to a digital pin on the Arduino (e.g., pin 9).

Connect the RFID reader to the Arduino as per its datasheet. Common connections include power (5V and GND), and data pins (like RX and TX).

  1. Include Libraries:
    In your Arduino code, include the necessary libraries for the servo and the RFID reader.
  2. Read RFID Tags:
    Write the code to read the data from the RFID reader. This typically involves configuring the serial communication and parsing the received data.
  3. Control the Servo Based on RFID Input:
    Based on the RFID tag data received, determine the desired position for the servo motor. Use the servo library's functions to set the servo's position accordingly.

For example, if a specific authorized RFID tag is detected, the servo could rotate to a certain angle. If an unauthorized tag is detected, the servo might stay in its default position.
Here's a simple pseudo-code example:
Remember to adjust the code based on the specific models and requirements of your components. Also, ensure proper power supply and wiring to avoid any issues.